Nikki Global Finance Limited

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Our methodology towards obtaining paramount solutions for the clients demonstrates our quality and excellence.
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Ensuring successful business in long run requires adherence to values and we at Nikki Global Finance Limited are essentially guided by our core values.
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Steered by a young team of like-minded people, we have been able to work with our clients in the true sense of the word.
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Rahul Bahukhandi Chairman Non-Executive Director
Shashwat Agarwal Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director
Sushila Aggarwal Non-Executive, Independent Director
Gyan Singh Independent Director
Rajesh Kumar Pandey Executive Director- MD
Kavita Awasthi Non-Executive -Independent Director
Yugank Gadi Non-Executive -Independent Director
Sharad Pal Chief Financial Officer
Meghna Bansal Company Secretary & Compliance Officer


Shashwat Agarwal Member, Executive Director
Kavita Awasthi Member, Non-Executive /Independent Director
Gyan Singh Chairman Non-Executive /Independent Director
Sushila Aggarwal Non-Executive, Independent Director

Skateholder Relationship Committee

Shashwat Agarwal Member, Executive Director
Kavita Awasthi  Chairman Non-Executive /Independent Director
Gyan Singh Member, Non-Executive /Independent Director
Sushila Aggarwal Non-Executive, Independent Director

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Shashwat Agarwal Member, Executive Director
Kavita Awasthi Chairman Non-Executive /Independent Director
Yugank Gadi Member, Non-Executive /Independent Director
Sushila Aggarwal Non-Executive, Independent Director