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Our methodology towards obtaining paramount solutions for the clients demonstrates our quality and excellence.

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Ensuring successful business in long run requires adherence to values and we at Nikki Global Finance Limited are essentially guided by our core values.

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Steered by a young team of like-minded people, we have been able to work with our clients in the true sense of the word.

Grievance Cell
Registrar & Share Transfer Agent:
Name: M/s. Skyline Financial Services (P) Ltd.
Address: D-153A, 1st Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase -I, New Delhi – 110 020
Contact: 011-40450193-97 & 011-26812682-83
Website: www.skylinerta.com
Email id: admin@skylinerta.com
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Name: Meghna Bansal
3rd Floor, Eastern and Central Wing,
124 Thapar House, Janpath,
New Delhi, Delhi, 110001
Tele: 011-64000323
Email: ngfltd@rediffmail.com
Website: www.nikkiglobal.com